Friday, September 20, 2013

Profile Book

Profile books are not any easier the second time around.  I started our profile book today.  That means I went to Shutterfly.  I picked a template I like.  Uploaded a few pictures, and then saved 20 blank pages with the title Baby2.

Instead I wrote two blog posts and now I'm going to go get Baby Girl from the next room over after her "nap."  During which she chatted in her crib for 2 hrs about her cat, dog, Oma, Opa, and Dada.


  1. If you need any help with your profile, I'd be happy to!

  2. Thanks! I think I need to first make an outline. Its one of those things I feel like there are no "right" words. How to convey in a few short pages how much we realize that the decision is not easy to place and how much we respect the expectant parents that are reading our book and the choices they have. gah! :)
